Insight into InkTec HQ

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Ian Windebank, JETRIX engineer and Colour Specialist’s recently went on a trip to our Headquarters in Korea. As one of our newest additions to the team, it was important to ensure that Ian got a great insight into the business, while also completing a comprehensive training programme on our JETRIX printers, particularly from those that have researched, designed and developed the machines. So, here are some insights from his trip and what he discovered:

Why did you go to InkTec Head Office in Korea?

Principally, it was to learn about the entire JETRIX UV printer range and be professionally trained by the InkTec Headquarters Team. But, it was also a prime opportunity to find out more about the company I have joined, see where the company started from and to understand more about the work ethic.

What did you learn while you were there?

Really, I gained an in-depth knowledge of how each printer is assembled and an even greater appreciation of all the key function points of the technology within each machine. Excitingly, I also had a sneak preview of the new projects being worked on, plus I got to see the complete manufacturing process of how our inks are made. So, I can now understand why the machine orders take the time they do to fulfil, as each machine is meticulously built by hand to ensure guaranteed performance.

What was the best bit you learnt?

For me, it was all about the circuit boards! I now have a deeper understanding of the circuit boards which are the driving controllers behind the JETRIX printer operations. The benefits of being able to see how things start from scratch, then develop to become the finished products were significant. From a technical perspective, actually seeing inside the printer manifold really helped and the Colour Specialist there – Nammi Kim – was really helpful with imparting her knowledge.

What elements are you going to use now you are back?

I have some further questions that I have to investigate, plus the Colour Specialist gave me a couple of extra points to consider. All the information accumulated is helping me to increasingly build my detailed knowledge of the printers and my approaches to resolving customer queries.

How did you find the South Korean culture, food and lifestyle?

South Korea felt like a really safe and welcoming place, where visitors from overseas are considered important and very well respected (so I liked that!). Their efforts to communicate in English were outstanding, especially as some had very little English experience. The food was fantastic, always different and sometimes challenging; although I do think they were being a little kind with some of the options they presented me with. One key observation is that they do seem to struggle with not being at work, but I guess this is a cultural difference between the East and the West, although when they do finally relax, the know how to have a good time!

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