Solvent Based Media

An extensive range of media for wall coverings, murals, events and exhibitions, point of sale, advertising and promotions

High quality and competitively priced solvent based media which produce vibrant colours with excellent handling and finishing characteristics.

Browse Solvent Based Media

Polypropylene Banner

Polypropylene Banner

A polypropylene display film perfect for outdoor use which ensures there is no need to sacrifice quality when needing to produce a low cost banner.
Backlit Film

PET Backlit Film

Backlit Films with a diffusion coating to produce high quality vibrant print and is compatible with solvent-based inks and latex inks.
Opaque Self Adhesive Fabric

TEX-RA FR Opaque Self Adhesive Fabric

A fire rated opaque self adhesive polyester fabric perfect for flat or curved surfaces.
latex inks internal signage
solvent based media from inktec europe

Making a difference with solvent media

The chances are you already know what you need from your solvent media. And while this is often true, it is good every now and then to step away from the familiar and explore what else is available.

Finding the balance between high quality alongside being competitively priced can be a challenge. However, InkTec have tried to take some of that away, by curating a selection of solvent based media which can operate across a variety of different situations. Often used for indoor and outdoor display or backlit film for events and exhibitions, it is also seen in other environments such as billboards, lightboxes and shelters.

While these may be more specialist locations requiring technical skills to install, there are also easy to apply repositionable opaque self-adhesive fabrics. Tailored to make the product accessible for the majority to use and apply. While also not damaging the host surface or leaving residue when removed.

There are no limits to our solvent media

jetrix large format printing logo and Inktec Europe logo
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at the NEC on Stand E10