Since its establishment, 23 years ago, in 1992 with the slogan;
“Today’s technology is never good enough for us”
InkTec has enjoyed exceptional growth and recognition. These humble beginnings were the very start of what has now become an international company under the banner of InkTec Co Ltd. Since then we have enjoyed many successes, the key highlights of which include:
1999 May Certified K Mark for recycled toner cartridges by MOCIE (1st in Korea)
2002 May Established InkTec America Corporation
2003 Apr Established Europe-based warehouse in the Netherlands and in Dec certified for ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
2004 Feb Started supplying U.S. stores with inkjet electronic materials
2005 Aug Constructed 2nd production plant in Po-seoung
2006 May Established InkTec Europe Ltd
2007 May Constructed new production lines for electronic materials in 2nd Factory
2008 May Established InkTec (Zhuhai) Trading Co., Ltd. in China
Nowadays InkTec has business partners in more than 120 countries and still expanding. Our production facilities cover nearly 40,000 square metres, and house the latest innovative self-developed equipment, which has been developed based on our own in-house industry knowledge and technological expertise.
So, here in the UK, we are looking forward to celebrating InkTec Europe’s 10 years of operation next year!